Thursday, April 7, 2011


I got to take photos of this precious little girl last week.  Through many sessions, I find that my world is getting smaller and smaller.  I am finding more and more connections to people that I never would have known otherwise.  Once we finished with photos and I posted a preview on my facebook page, I noticed a last name that had commented on the photo (it happened to be this little beauty's aunt).  This is no ordinary last name, it is my grandfather's last name and it is German.  Schwerdtfeger is not a common last name anywhere around here...  Instantly, I knew there had to be a relation.  I sent a message and found out that she is married to my grandfather's brother's grandson..... in short, my cousin.  I never knew that side of the family too much, because we never got together, but I think it is really awesome to find a link to that part of my mom's family.  Now that I have gone off on my tangent, I will get back to the photos.... I really enjoyed working with Christie and her little baby Madeline.

  Madeline was so relaxed through out the photo session.  She reminded me of a little doll baby!!  Even when getting tired of modeling, she never tensed up as most babies do...  She is such a little sweetie!!

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