Friday, April 1, 2011

Little Mr. Kruse

Since becoming a photographer, I have had a chance to reconnect with many friends that I hadn't seen in years.... many being friends from school and early childhood.  It is always a joy to see someone from my past!  I find that so many people I know are getting married and starting families...  It is all so exciting!!  This brings me to a recent photo session with a friend and a sweet young sir of hers.  Kruse has come to me on a couple of occasions and I have been lucky enough to be able to photograph him for his first year milestones.  We have not yet completed working together, but only just begun!!  He is now 6 months and it seems that he is growing so fast.... as I remember not too long ago, taking his 6 week photos.  Here are some of the most recent photos I have taken with this handsome young fella!

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