Friday, October 21, 2011

Trick or Treat???

Halloween is already a fun time of year!  Dressing up to trick people and getting candy is always fun..... No matter how old you may be!!  I enjoy dressing up for Halloween myself.  One year a couple years ago, I dressed as a stick person... yes, a stick person.  I used the glow bracelets and necklaces and taped them to my clothes and around my head and it made the form of a stick person glowing in the dark.  That was by far one of my favorite and most fun costumes.  Now, I also enjoy dressing up children to take bright and colorful photos to remember this fun and spooky holiday.  Here are some pics of Addison's October photo session.  Don't  let this adorable smile fool you... she didn't want to take these pics with us the other day but we managed to make it work!!!  She is such a beauty and her eyes just sparkle!!


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